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Latest News from InnovaMedia

InnovaMedia.Net: a network of professionals and scholars researching journalism innovation

Three journalists and university professors have launched InnovaMedia.Net, an international network which brings together both academic and news professionals devoted to researching innovation in journalism. The initiative has been created by Andy Kaltenbrunner,...

Klaus Meier publishes an article on Audience Responses to Constructive Journalism

InnovaMedia’s Klaus Meier has published “How Does the Audience Respond to Constructive Journalism?” in Journalism Practice. Based on a holistic definition of constructive journalism, two experiments examined the audience responses to German-language news and features...

InnovaMedia team meeting

InnovaMedia’s steering team met recently at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) in Elche (Spain) in order to plan their research projects and future events. From left to right: Andy Kaltenbrunner, Medienhaus Wien, (Austria); Jose A. García-Avilés, Miguel Hernández...